As close as you can get to tasting a slice of sunshine. Power up your race day or morning workout with a tangy, bright burst of citrus from Orange BOLT® that leaves you feeling energized and refreshed. Our soft and chewy organic energy gummies are bursting with electrolytes, complex carbs, and B vitamins for the right amount of extra kick to keep you going.
An all-organic alternative to your fueling routine. These tasty fruit chews are sweet, subtle, and provide a flexible snack for workouts.
Why do we love Bolt Energy Chews?
While other gummies may stick to your teeth, have a weird flavor, or just don’t cut it…the ProBar Bolt Chew is pure YUM. The flavor is subtle and slightly tart with a consistency more like fruit snacks, so it’s a lot more appetizing. They’re easy to eat on rides (just pop a few in your mouth) and they give the perfect quick hit of energy right when you need it.
Also, they’re an amazing organic alternative to gels for those looking to have something else!
What’s in Bolt Energy Chews?
Organic and free of junk, these gluten-free, dairy-free chews are perfectly bite-sized and boast a great blend of electrolytes, complex carbohydrates and B-vitamins to ensure you get the nutrition needed during exercise.
It’s important to remember to consume water with these chews when using them during exercise; they’re not heavy, but benefit from some fluid while eating them.
Each chew is gluten-free, vegan, non-GMO verified, USDA certified organic, soy-free, dairy-free and kosher.
How to use Bolt Energy Chews:
We use these chews right before or during medium-high intensity exercise. If we’re feeling extra-tired, we opt for the Berry Blast or Raspberry flavors which contain caffeine from yerba mate. Wash these bad boys down with a little water for a perfect energy jump.
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