Bike Maintenance, General Post

Bone Conduction Headphones – A Cyclist’s Best Friend?

Bone Conduction Headphones ā€“ A Cyclistā€™s Best Friend?

Riding to the Beat of a Safer Tune

Bone Conduction Headphones – The Sound of Safety


“Cycling is my therapy and music is my therapist. Together, they barely keep me sane.

Why Bone Conduction?

First things first, letā€™s demystify bone conduction technology. Imagine a world where sound travels through your cheekbones! Yes, you read that right. Instead of traditional headphones that send sound through your ear canals, bone conduction headphones like Shokz transmit sound through the bones in your head. Sci-fi? More like sci-fact!

Safety ā€“ Hear Your Surroundings

When youā€™re cycling, awareness is key. Traditional in-ear headphones can create a sensory bubble, cutting you off from the world. Thatā€™s not just inconvenient; itā€™s downright dangerous. Bone conduction headphones, on the other hand, keep your ears open to ambient sounds. You can hear that car honking, the pedestrian shouting, or the fellow cyclist ringing their bell. Itā€™s like having your cake and eating it too ā€“ enjoy your music without sacrificing your safety.

Comfort ā€“ Say Goodbye to Ear Pain

We’ve all been there ā€“ after a long ride, your ears feel like theyā€™ve been in a boxing match with your headphones. Ouch! Bone conduction headphones, with their over-the-ear design, say goodbye to in-ear discomfort. They sit comfortably on your temples, making you almost forget theyā€™re there. Ideal for those long, scenic rides where comfort is as important as the view.


Cycling is a workout, and with workouts come the inevitable ā€“ sweat. Traditional headphones can slip, slide, or even become a hygiene horror. Bone conduction headphones like Shokz are typically designed to be sweat-proof. They stay put, letting you focus on your ride, not on keeping your tech in place.  

Not Just for Cycling

While weā€™ve been harping on about cycling, bone conduction headphones are not a one-trick pony. Theyā€™re versatile, and hereā€™s why theyā€™re fantastic even when youā€™re not in the saddle.

Multi-tasking Mastery

Walking your dog while catching up on an audiobook? Check. Listening to a podcast (put the Dialed Podcast on your list!!) while grocery shopping? Double check. Bone conduction headphones allow you to stay connected to your environment while enjoying your audio. Itā€™s like having a superpower where you can enjoy two worlds simultaneously!

Hearing Health

Traditional headphones can contribute to hearing loss, especially at high volumes. Bone conduction headphones reduce the risk as they bypass the eardrum. Itā€™s a win for your tunes and a win for your ears.


For those with hearing impairments, bone conduction headphones can be a game-changer. They bypass typical auditory pathways, offering a way to experience sound that might otherwise be challenging. HygieneThe Immaculate Charm of Bone Conduction Headphones Bone conduction headphones offer notable hygiene benefits over traditional earbuds, primarily due to their unique design that bypasses the ear canal. Unlike earbuds that are inserted directly into the ear accumulating earwax and sweat, potentially leading to ear infections or irritation, bone conduction headphones sit outside the ear. This design significantly reduces the risk of ear infections and other hygiene-related issues. Moreover, since they don’t require frequent insertion and removal from the ears, the chances of transferring bacteria or dirt from the hands to the ears are markedly diminished. The over-the-ear design also means less skin contact, reducing the likelihood of irritation that can sometimes be caused by in-ear headphones. Additionally, many bone conduction models are built with sweat-resistant materials, further enhancing their hygienic appeal, especially for active users or those using them during workouts. This aspect of hygiene, combined with comfort and the absence of in-ear pressure, makes bone conduction headphones a more sanitary and skin-friendly choice for prolonged use. Plus, you donā€™t have a pair of ear buds full of ear wayā€¦ gross!

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So, what are the downsides?

Bone conduction headphones, like any technology, come with their own set of drawbacks. Here are some of the notable cons:
  1. Sound Quality: While bone conduction technology is innovative, it often can’t match the sound quality of traditional in-ear or over-ear headphones. The bass response, in particular, tends to be weaker, and overall audio fidelity might not be as rich or immersive. This is not to say they donā€™t sound good because they have incredible sound, but there is a difference worth noting when comparing to some of the more high-end in-ear headphones available on the market today.
  2. Volume Limitations: Due to their design, bone conduction headphones might not get as loud as some users might prefer, especially in noisy environments liker when youā€™re blazing down the road at 25+ mph. This can be a drawback for those who are used to the sound isolation and higher volume capabilities of traditional headphones.
  3. Vibration Sensation: Since these headphones work by vibrating against your cheekbones, they can create a slight vibration sensation, particularly at higher volumes. Some users might find this distracting, but do know that it can be mitigated by lowering the volume ever so slightly.
  4. Battery Life: While this varies by model, bone conduction headphones typically have shorter battery life compared to traditional wireless headphones. This means more frequent charging, which can be inconvenient for heavy users. There are some models that last for 8+ hours, so make sure to get the model that best suits your needs.
  5. Price: Bone conduction headphones can be a bit more expensive than standard headphones.
  6. Limited Noise Isolation: While the open-ear design is beneficial for situational awareness, it also means that these headphones don’t offer noise isolation. This can be a downside in environments where you want to block out external noise.
Understanding these limitations is crucial for making an informed decision about whether bone conduction headphones are the right choice for your needs and preferences.

Choosing Your Shokz

Now, letā€™s talk specifics. Shokz has a range of models, each with its own set of features. When choosing, consider battery life, weight, and additional features like Bluetooth connectivity or water resistance. Itā€™s like picking a bike ā€“ what suits your ride style?  

The Final Take

In the end, cycling with Shokz bone conduction headphones is about blending safety with pleasure. You keep your ears open to the world while enjoying your favorite beats or podcasts. Itā€™s a harmony of safety and enjoyment that traditional headphones struggle to match. So, there you have it, a melody of reasons why bone conduction headphones are the unsung heroes for cyclists wanting to jam out on their rides. They keep us safe, comfortable, and connected ā€“ both on and off the bike. Now, if we could just get them to solve that perpetual invisible headwind, life would be grand. Ride safe, stay aware, and let the good tunes roll!

Interested in getting some Shokz?

We carry them all because we love them and think you will, too!

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